Urbeco is based in Ōtautahi/Christchurch and provides botanical & ecological expertise. We also collaborate with a wider network of ecologists, to undertake larger projects where required.

Staff at Urbeco also have excellent GIS and database skills.

To discuss if we can help with your project, email: enquiry@urbeco.com


Some of our previous work:

Botanical Surveys & Vegetation Monitoring

Especially of the dry plains, waterways & wetlands.


  • McLeans Island botanical survey

  • Avoca Stream wetland vegetation

  • Vegetation of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary

  • Monitoring of Kaitorete Wetland vegetation

  • Baseline survey of grassland vegetation in Port Hills reserves

  • Monitoring of Canterbury dry plains grassland sites

  • Changes in riparian vegetation along the Avon Heathcote and Styx Rivers 1992/93 to 1996/97

  • Changes in riparian vegetation along the lower Heathcote River following implementation of the Woolston Barrage

  • Botanical survey of Bexley Wetland

Wetland vegetation at Kaitorete


Ecological Site Assessments

Including significance assessments of sites.


  • Sites of ecological significance for the Christchurch City and District Plans

  • Significance assessment for Muriwai Wetland (Coopers Lagoon)

  • Ecological site assessments on private land

Vegetation mapping for Avoca Valley Stream


Vegetation Management & Weed Plans


  • Grazing management for Port Hills reserves

  • Weed plans for Styx Mill Conservation Reserve, McLeans Reserve, Horseshoe Lake Reserve, Brooklands Lagoon

  • Pest plant review for the CCC

  • Weed plans for sea lavender, phragmites, spartina, egeria

  • Canterbury weed calendar - Timing for surveillance and control

  • Assessment of riparian vegetation with regard to changes in riverbank maintenance policy

Chilean flame creeper


Science Communication

Projects to communicate botanical and ecological information to non-specialists and the general public.


  • Training waterway maintenance staff in plant identification

  • Christchurch waterway maintenace guide (folder)

  • Estuarine and freshwater plants in Christchurch (booklet)

  • Identifying native trees and shrubs in the McLeans grasslands (booklet)

  • Canterbury weed guide (folder and web site)

  • Identification of purple loosestrife (pamphlet)

  • Streamside Planting Guide (web site and brochure)

  • Weed guide (brochure)

  • Weed of the Month (posters and online)

  • Christchurch Biodiversity Strategy (online)


Technical Advice

Input into Plans, Resource Consents & Subdivision Applications


  • Christchurch City Plan

  • Natural Regional Resources Plan

  • Resource consent applications, e.g. Sisters Stream Wetland

  • Environment Court evidence for subdivisions on the Port Hills