Animal Identification Guides

Amphibians & Reptiles (NZ)
Ants (NZ)
Birds (NZ)
Freshwater Fish (NZ)
Freshwater Invertebrates (NZ)
Global Invasive Species Database
Invertebrates – Fauna series (NZ)
Stick Insects (NZ)
Stoneflies – Plecoptera (NZ)
Wasps (NZ)
“What is this bug?” (NZ)

Fungi & Lichens

Fungal Guide (NZ)
Lichens, Flora Series (NZ)


Christchurch District Plan
NZ Legislation
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands


Canterbury Museum
Department of Conservation
Environment Canterbury
iNaturalist NZ – Mātaki Taiao
Landcare Research – Manaaki Whenua
Landcare Trust
Ministry for the Environment
NZ Plant Conservation Network

NZ Plant Identification Guides

Coprosma species (LUCID Key)
Cotoneaster species (LUCID Key)
eFlora of NZ
Ferns & Lycophytes, eFlora (NZ)
Flora Series (NZ)
Global Invasive Species Database
Grass Flora (NZ)
Grass species (LUCID Key)
Liverworts & Hornworts (NZ)
Mosses (NZ eFlora)
Myrtaceae (LUCID Key)
National Pest Plant Accord
Orchids (NZ, LUCID Key)
Pest Plants (Auckland)
Plants Database (US)
Plants Database, Landcare Research - NZ Flora (NZ)
Salix species (LUCID Key)
Seed Plants, eFlora (NZ)
Streamside Planting Guide
Weed Busters (NZ)

Publications & Journals

Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury
Canterbury Public Library
Ecological Society of America - Archives
Ecological Society of America - Journals
Google Scholar
Landcare Research Publications
Manaaki Whenua Press
Natural History Bookstore (UK)
Notornis & Birds of NZ
New Zealand Entomologist
New Zealand Journal of Botany
New Zealand Journal of Ecology
NewZealand Journal of Zoology
Science Publications, DoC
Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of NZ

Taxonomy Indexes

Catalogue of Life
Encyclopaedia of Life

Threatened Species

IUCN Red List
Threat Classification Series (NZ)
Threatened Species Recovery Plans


Geological Map