
McCombs K (2023) Local Purpose Reserve, Christchurch-Akaroa Road, SNA Assessment. Report for the Selwyn District Council

McCombs K (2018) Avoca Stream, Wetland Vegetation. Report for the Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2014) High priority weed species on CCC land, Nov 2014. Report for the Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2014) Pest Plant Control Objectives and Biosecurity Status. Report for the Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2014) Pest Plant Review Update November 2014. Report for the Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2008) Sisters Stream Wetland. Report for Environment Canterbury

McCombs K (2008) Monitoring of Kaitorete Wetland Vegetation 2008. Report for Environment Canterbury

McCombs K (2007) Significance Assessment For Muriwai Wetland Coopers Lagoon 2007. Report for Environment Canterbury

McCombs K (2007) Kaitorete Wetland Monitoring June 2007. Report for Environment Canterbury

McCombs K (2007) Ecological assessment of Muriwai Coopers Lagoon Canterbury 2007. Report for New Zealand Landcare Trust

McCombs K (2005) Identification of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L). CCCECO 05/03. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2005) An updated overview of CCC Weed Plans (Jan 2005).  CCCECO 05/01.  Christchurch City Council

Paltridge A & McCombs K (2004) Weed plan for the eradication of spartina Spartina anglica from Canterbury 2003/04 Report. Report for the Department of Conservation and Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) Revised priority list for weeds at the Groynes Reserve. CCCECO 04/24. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2004) Update to Brooklands Weed Plan (Nov 2004).  CCCECO 04/23. Christchurch City Council

von Tippelskirch M & McCombs K (2004) Canterbury Weed Calendar. Timing for surveillance and control.  CCCECO 04/22.Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2004) Index to weed of the month publications.  CCCECO 04/21. Christchurch City Council

Taylor M & McCombs K (2004) Location and management of inanga spawning sites in Christchurch, 2004. CCCECO 04/20.Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2004) Weed control for the restored waterway in Halswell Domain. CCCECO 04/18. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2004) Weed plan for the eradication of spartina (Spartina anglica) from Canterbury 2003/04. CCCECO 04/16.Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2004) Botanical assessment of Francella Reserve. CCCECO 04/15. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) Weed plan for beggars' ticks (Bidens frondosa L.) in Canterbury, 2004. CCCECO 04/14. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) Overview of McLeans Grasslands Work (2004). CCCECO 04/13. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) Programme for the threatened plant Olearia adenocarpa.. CCCECO 04/12. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K & von Tippelskirch M (2004) Weed plan for sea lavender (Limonium companyonis).. CCCECO 04/11. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (2004) Baseline survey of grassland vegetation in the Christchurch City Council Port Hills reserves (2000). CCCECO 04/10. Christchurch City Council

McMillan K, Barker R, Ridgen J, Hansen K, Newey D, Given D, Meurk C, McCombs K, Hider M, Tye R, Everingham K, Briggs L, Anderton C, Williams C, Crossland A, Devlin P, Freeman A, Macfarlane R, McDowall R, Suren A (2004) Christchurch Naturally. The biodiversity strategy. Working towards a sustainable city. Draft. July 2004. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) A preliminary botanical survey and weed plan for Smacks Creek Esplanade Reserve. CCCECO 04/07. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) Weed Plan for Phragmites (Phragmites australis). CCCECO 04/06. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2004) Preliminary Weed Plan for Horseshoe Lake Reserve. CCCECO 04/04. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Overview of CCC Weed Plans (December 2003). CCCECO 03/14. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Weed Plan for McLeans Reserve (2003). CCCECO 03/13. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Weed plan for Styx Mill Conservation Reserve. CCCECO 03/12. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) A botanical assessment and weed plan for the Styx River banks between Spencerville Rd and Earlham St. CCCECO 03/11. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Weed plan for the riparian strip at 745 Hawkins Rd. CCCECO 03/09. Christchurch City Council.

McCombsK (2003) Weed plan for part of Clare Park. CCCECO 03/08. Christchurch City Council. 

McCombs K (2003) Nationally threatened plants in Christchurch. CCCECO 03/07. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Plains wildfire threat analysis - botanical values. CCCECO 03/06. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Estuary margin and foreshore vegetation issues relevant to the ocean outfall pipeline routes. CCCECO 03/05. Christchurch City Council. 

McCombs K (2003) Brooklands Lagoon and Styx River mouth. CCCECO 03/04. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Botanical assessment of Kennedys Bush Development Ltd site. CCCECO 03/02. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2003) Effect of a recent fire on the vegetation of a remnant of dry plains grassland/woodland. CCCECO 03/01. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2002) Botanical values of Styx Mill Reserve. CCCECO 02/13. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2002) Botanical survey of part of Clare  Park. CCCECO 02/07. Christchurch  City Council.

Cartman J & McCombs K (2003) Maytenus boaria - a  new weed? CCCECO 02/06. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (2002) Weed legislation and non statutory groups. CCCECO 02/05, Christchurch City Council

McCombs K, Devlin P, McMillan K (2002) Grazing Management of  CCC Reserves on the Port Hills. CCCECO 02/04. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2002) Identifying native trees and shrubs in the McLeans  grasslands. Including how to distinguish them from similar looking weedy species. CCCECO 02/03. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2002) McLeans Grasslands. A selection of photographs  of some of the species in the McLeans Grasslands. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K & Ridgen J (2002) Native trees & shrubs in the McLeans  grasslands. CCCECO 02/02. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K () Weeds at Cockayne Reserve. Christchurch City Council

DOC, ECAN, CCC (2002) Canterbury Weed Guide. A selection of weeds from Christchurch and Canterbury. Christchurch City Council.

Christchurch City Council (2002) Weeds: a selection of weeds in Christchurch. Christchurch City Council.

Meurk C & McCombs K (2001) Notes on management for dry plains  grasslands in relation to grazing leases. CCCECO 01/11. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (2001) Horse grazing on part of Seafield Park.  CCCECO 01/10. Christchurch City  Council.

McCombs K (2001) Botanical assessment for part of Moncks Spur.  CCCECO 01/09. Christchurch City  Council.

McCombs K (2001) Botanical assessment of part of McLeans Reserve  (west of Conservators Rd) with regard to using it for hay. CCCECO  01/8. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K, Devlin P, McMillan K (2001) Grazing  Management of Reserves on the Port Hills. Draft Strategy.  CCCECO 01/06. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2001) Proposal for grazing on Godley Head Reserve.  CCCECO 01/05. Report for Department of Conservation and the Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (2001) Preliminary botanical  assessment of Otahuna Valley. CCCECO 01/03. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (2000) Charlesworth Wetland (Poho Areare) Development. CCCECO 00/07. Christchurch City Council

(2000) Christchurch NaturallyChristchurch Naturally. Discovering the City's Wild Side. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K, Morland K, Meurk C (1999) Christchurch  Waterway Maintenance Plant Guide. Weeds, and how to tell them from  similar looking plants. CCCECO 99/04. Christchurch  City Council.

Everingham K, McCombs K, Ridgen J (2000) Ecological Heritage Sites. Christchurch's natural heritage. Pamphlet for the Environmental Services Unit, Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (2000) Port Hills Wildfire Threat Analysis - Botanical  Values. CCCECO 00/02.Christchurch  City Council. 

McCombs K (1999) Weeds at Brooklands Lagoon, May 1999. Report No. CCCECO99/09. Christchurch City Council.  

Meurk CD & McCombs K (1999) Bottle Lake. Assessment of botanical values and recommendations for management. Christchurch City Council

McCombs K (1998) Changes in Riparian Vegetation along the Avon, Heathcote and Styx River 1992/93  to 1996/97. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (1998) Changes in Riparian Vegetation along the Styx River 1992/93 to 1996/97.  Christchurch City Council. 

McCombs K (1997) Changes in Riparian Vegetation along the Lower Heathcote River following implementation  of the Woolston Barrage. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (1996) Aquatic Plants in  the Styx River. Reference book of plant photographs compiled for  the Water Services Unit of the Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K, Jordan T, Sullivan B Riparian vegetation along the Styx River 1993 to 1995. Christchurch City Council.

Meurk C & McCombs K (1994) McLeans Island Botanical Survey. Landcare Contract Report: LC9394/86.

McCombs K (1993) Vegetation of Horseshoe  Lake Reserve. Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (1993) Location and Propagation of Plant Species in Christchurch. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (1993) Estuarine and Freshwater  Plants in Christchurch. Reference book of plant photographs compiled  for the Water Services Unit of the Christchurch City Council.

McCombs K (1993) Riparian vegetation of the Lower Heathcote River in March 1993. Christchurch  City Council.

McCombs K (1993) The Occurrence of Tidal Species within Christchurch. Christchurch  City Council.

Owen, S-J. (Ed.) (1992) The Estuary. Where Our Rivers Meet the Sea : Christchurch's Avon-Heathcote Estuary and Brooklands Lagoon

McCombs K & Partridge T (1992) Vegetation of the Avon-Heathcote Estuary. Landcare Research Contract Report  No. 92/B.

McCombs K (1992) Foreshore Vegetation from Waimakariri River to Taylors Mistake. Christchurch City Council. 

McCombs K (1992) An initial assessment of Riparian Vegetation with regard to changes in Riverbank Maintenance  Policy. Christchurch City Council.

Innes K & Kelly D (1992) Water potentials in native woody vegetation during and after a drought in Canterbury.  New Zealand Journal of Botany 30:81-94

Innes K & Kelly D (1991) Some woody vegetation samples may be stored for 24hrs without affecting measured  water potential. New Zealand Journal of Botany 29:345-347

Innes K & Bradshaw M (1991) Botanical Survey of Bexley Wetland. Christchurch City Council.

Innes K, Harris R, Crossland A (1991) Resource Inventory of Brooklands Lagoon and Seafield Park.  Christchurch City Council.

Innes K (1990) The response of native species to the 1988-89 drought, and a description of the vegetation  in Ahuriri Valley reserve. M.Sc. thesis.

Liley F, Lord J, Innes K (1989) The vegetation of Brooklands Lagoon and its conservation value. Canterbury  Botanical Society Journal 23:57-62